25 Things you can control right now

  1. How many times you’ll hit snooze.  For me, several.  I’m working on the art of waking up because it is certainly an art.
  2. Your ability to mask the faint smell on whiskey still on your breath.
  3. Are we showering today?  We’re definitely not shaving our legs!
  4. Today feels like a red lipstick all day sorta day.
  5. Just wear the sexy dress already.
  6. Heels or flats?  Heels, zero fucks.
  7. Bacon or granola?!?  BACON!
  8. Am I going to work or check Facebook first?
  9. How many times will I check out _____’s page?
  10. Nope, not drying my hair.
  11. I will make my bed however.  Never know when you’ll have a last minute guest.
  12. I will juice because it’s delicious albeit time consuming.
  13. Are we working out today?
  14. Working?
  15. Playing?
  16. Drinking?
  17. How many “news” articles you’ll read compared to how many Buzzfeed quizzes you’ll take.
  18. Today you are definitely going to do all your check off your to-do list.
  19. Exactly how loud you’ll sing in the car.
  20. You’re gonna try like hell to drink 80oz of water.
  21. If you’ll go down the rabbit hole of disappointments.
  22. And how you’ll pick yourself back up.
  23. And you’ll be kinder to yourself.
  24. And you’ll probably watch at least one rerun of Friends.
  25. Then you’ll brush your teeth and go to bed because you aren’t a gross human being.

And tomorrow, tomorrow is another day to do it all over again:  to make better mistakes or dumber choices, to slack, to strive, to conquer, to control, to love, to fight, to grow, to medicate, to cry, to be bolder and wiser.  To be fearless.


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