And this is the death part.

Thomas Mann said “A man’s dying is more his survivor’s affair than his own.” And it’s true.  The dead pass.  They go where ever it is we go and those of us left behind…well, we keep coming back to them; their voice, their laughter, their smell, the shape of their eyes.  Try as we might, the dead never really leave us.

It’s been 8 years since my greatest friend Wendy left this world.  Her exit was a 12 year encore of dancing and bowing and dancing again.  We watched her life like a great film; the personal moments, the private moments, the great love, the great heartbreak, the collapse, the struggle, the passion and of course her final curtain call.  When you know at 13 years old that your life could and probably would be cut short you tend to live life with the kind of wild abandon we all should.  But don’t.  And those of us who don’t, stare in wonder at these bright enigmatic souls longingly.  She had that effect on just about everyone who met her.

Wendy and I became friends at 19 over the mutual love of a boy but that boy brought us together and for that I will always be grateful.  We moved in together immediately, acted together, went to radiation together, shaved our heads together, visited NYC for the first time together, lost together, fought together, broke up, made up and laughed and laughed and laughed all within the first two years of becoming friends.  Three years later, I found myself moved into her living room in Williamsburg Brooklyn in September of 2002 with two suitcases and 5 boxes.  Oh the insane choices we make at 22.

By now Wendy had “successfully” completed her second operation to remove a astrocytoma tumor from her spinal cord, navigated radiation and chemotherapy repeatedly and also graduated college with a bachelors of fine arts and began working as an actress and model.  I quote successfully because she struggled with paralysis on her right side on and off for the next 6 years.  But she knew how to take care of herself with the right foods, skin care, massages, reiki, magnet therapy, the outdoors and love.  She always saved pieces of her for her even at the expense of others, she never let anyone take everything she had.  That was such a fascinating lesson I learned from her that I attempt to implement into my life daily.  She made time for everything and let herself have as much fun as she wanted.  She truly was a demon at time management.  That I wish I learned better.  She was also crude and smelly and hilarious and goofy and so talented and so ridiculous.  She could drink and smoke just about anyone under the table.  She laughed hard and loud and loved hard and loud.  She could dance and act and decorate an apartment.  She dressed up but mostly dressed down and cared equally.  She could listen and respond and navigate the feelings.  She loved her family, her friends, her Tom and her mean ass cats.  And she always had good music playing and good food somewhere nearby.  She was a host at life.

And I miss her.  A lot.  There were many times this year I would have given anything to talk to her again and hug her thin little neck.  But all I can do is imagine what she’d say or how she’d feel.  Oh her forearm!  Her birdlike forearm; the shape, the texture and the lightness is what I will forever think of when I think of her.  It was that forearm I held so often the last year as we walked around the city and maneuvered around people so frantic to get somewhere else.  It was that forearm she held when the feeling was fleeting and she couldn’t grasp things how she intended.  It was that forearm that forever remained the same when everything else bloated and eventually came to.

Her mother called me on October 30th, 2006 around 5:45am.  I’d already spent almost every night for the past two months in one of several hospitals rooms and halls.  She was dying and it wasn’t something any of us pretended wasn’t happening.  In fact, during the last month of her life she made peace with her spiritual and physical journey and wanted our permission to move on.  I knew what her mother was going to say before I answered the phone and within two hours I was in the Bronx laying in a hospital bed next to my best friend who was not even there.   Her body all puffy and warm was beating and breathing but Wendy, she’d gone home.  I’d watched her trying to leave for two months.  I watched her body break down and felt her spirit floating around the hospital and in my life.  She shifted and expanded and shriveled.  She was gone.

She’s been gone for 8 years.  And there’s probably not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her and smile.  Or cry.  But mostly, I smile and hope that she’s doing the same thing looking down on me.  But she’s probably dancing in heaven with all them other fools!

wendy eyes


The magical universe…or how I want the works.

Here’s ONE thing I learned when speaking to the universe about love:  you should be VERY specific with what it is you want exactly.  Because when you say things like “all I want is someone to dance with”, that’s ALL you get.  Of course he’ll be handsome and charming and fascinating and all those other fantastic things that make you want to dance with him in the first place but all he’ll be able to give you is a slow dance.  So why does it feel somewhat selfish to be too specific with our desires?  Are we afraid of being disappointed by not having more?

Truth is, we don’t often know what it is we do want.  We might have a short list of the things we think we need right now but I assure you, tomorrow, it’ll change.  I’ve always thought about love in terms of who that person is and what they’ll do and be motivated by and feel and think about life, the world, God and music.  I’ve never thought about love in terms of how it’ll make me feel.  That is a strange realization I came too very recently. I want all wondrous things in love but I also want someone who is going to make me feel loved and desired.

Yesterday marked the beginning of the new moon.  I put a lot of thought into the new moon and how it’ll affect my life.  And while thinking about the things I’d like, I realized that my love/life intentions are very broad.  All I wanted was an agent in Austin, I got an agent.  But I’m still an out of work actress.  FUNNY, AMIRIGHT?!?!

We need to ask for everything.  “I want it all!  There’s no harm in wanting it George because there’s not a chance in hell you’re gonna get it all anyway.  But if you don’t at least want it, you’ve got even less chance than that.”  That’s from the play Chapter 2 by Neil Simon, a semi-autobiographical play about his second life or second love.  It’s true, we aren’t going to get everything we want, it’s just the nature of life.  Having “everything” is boring and designed to disappoint you (if you somehow seem to be struggling with “having it all” as they say, snarf).  “Everything” means there’s no room for anything new or exciting.  “Everything” doesn’t allow room for change or growth.  When our only jobs as human beings is to grow and learn, “everything” stunts your life.  But honestly, no one has “everything”.  Even if you think you know people who have everything and even if they tell you they have everything, I assure you, they do not have everything.  They have what they need.

But there’s no harm in wanting everything because specificity is designed to suit your desires.  I’d like to win an SAG award and I’ll throw that in there for sure but ya know what, I’d be happy being a working actress AND THAT IS OKAY!  In fact, that’s better than okay because today, I’m still a waitress.  I’m a semi-healthy, loving, kind, generous person who has everything I need right now to teach me all about the things I will get tomorrow.  And having what I need in life IS everything!

How to get over an American man (Sorry American men):

  1. Date a foreigner specifically one of the latin persuasion who speaks more than one sexy language.  Then make him talk to you in said languages.
  2. Buy a floppy 70’s hat or something equally fabulous and pointless.  (I’m trying to justify strange purchases)
  3. Remember that there are thousands of Italian men who would LOVE to date you and chances are they”ll be dressed WAY better anyhow.
  4. Have a cup of tea with an American women in her 60’s who has an American son.  She’ll get it.
  5. Re-design your feng sui love corner.  Switch that stupid nondescript Hallmark card out for a postcard from Paris.  The lovers bridge.
  7. Go to a sports bar during a college football game.  And just wait.  Until you crack.
  8. Then go listen to jazz and drink wine.
  9. Read this article, How To Fall In Love In 5 Minutes.
  10. Remember that if he’s white, attractive, well spoken, charming, and American he could also be Ted Bundy.  You’re welcome, ladies!

*you’re welcome for the most amazing American gif EVER!


So… what are you doing with your life???

I’m asked that a lot.  Like a lot a lot.  From friends, from co-workers, from friends’ co-workers, from siblings, like everyone.  I get it.  I’m a 35-year-old waitress.  And I have a spiel to go with it.  I’m an actress, improviser, writer, blogger, beauty consultant, volunteer and I’m going back to school in January.  I must justify.  JUSTIFY it almost weekly.

In fact, in all honesty, in heaps of shame, I would not date myself.  If I saw me on Tinder, I’d swipe left because who at my age (my ripe old age) is a waitress (I’m working on this)?  On paper, I’m the Dallas Cowboys.  The worst bet in history.  But paper, from what I’ve discovered first hand, it’s the best illusion created.  I dated paper.  In fact, if you asked me two years ago what I was doing with my life… actually you wouldn’t ask me.  You’d know given my amazing job, my location, my relationship status, my creative endeavors you’d know that I was doing just fine.  But tonight, at 2am, I’m drinking a whiskey and writing about the night that lead up to now.  And I don’t have to get up until 3pm.  Truth is, I’ll wake up in 6 hours and work all day long.  But I’m drinking whiskey and listing to Ed Sheeran.  Life.  Fuck it.

But life… life is tricky.  We’ve all seen The Family Man starring Nic Cage.  “A fast-lane investment broker, offered the opportunity to see how the other half lives, wakes up to find that his sports car and girlfriend have become a mini-van and wife.”  THE HORROR!!!  Gah, what would happen if we didn’t have all the comforts of … money, security?  I don’t know… this?  You’d do what I’m doing now.  You’d start over from the beginning and try again.  Often the best bets are made when we don’t pass Go.  When we don’t get to to collect $200.  We must try again because sometimes Baltic Avenue is the BEST place to park a hotel.

What I’m planting, what I’m aspiring to do, I don’t know if or what will pan out.  Sure I could have gotten a job, a normal job and sat behind a desk to have the illusion of security or establishment.  I could date that guy and pretended to make sense to you but truth is, Id’ go crazy trying to fit into your idea.   I’ve planted thousand of seeds and see them sprouting at different rates and some not at all.  But I’d rather risk and fail than to have not risked at all. So basically I’m betting it all on black.  Or the Dallas Cowboys.  Because even if it doesn’t pay off, OR GOD WILLING IT DOES, i’ll either be a master genius or I’ll be right where I am right now, trying to figure it all out.

I’m absolutely humbled to be where I am in life but am endlessly grateful to be here at all.  I am blessed with any opportunity I’m given.  It’s not the best life, but it’s my life and I will make it fantastic because if you’ve met me you know fantastic is all I do!!  Drops mic, walks out.



Dear plants of the world,

Why do you hate me?  I rescued you from Home Depot and brought you to my beautiful art-filled charming apartment!!  I got you a new pot, bathed you in sunlight (or moderate sunlight depending) fed you, named you, loved you.  And just like all the other plants in my life, you want none of it.  Barbara Streisand (my lovely purple and green ivy) hated my apartment.  She couldn’t stand the desk top or the floor to the lovely corner in my living.  SO… I threw her outside.  I neglected her.  I refused to water her, never spoke to her, hardly even remember she was out there.  I played hard to get!  But guess who’s suddenly making a comeback from my patio?  Ya, BABS!!!  She’s thriving basking in the sunlight and rain making a mockery of my green thumb.  Truthfully plants, this feels like dating.  OVER IT!!



Taryn flip off

Uh, moment of truth: I make a horrible honey badger.

I care.  I’ll admit.  I care!!  I wish I didn’t because caring is the reason I’ve had my heart-broken 6-8 times this year.  I’ve stopped counting.  So ladies, I’m here to admit that I make a horrible horrible honey badger!

My sister on the other hand is the ULTIMATE honey badger!!  She even has a saying for not giving a fuck when someone is annoying her, “CARE!”  And she means it, hardcore.  She can’t even be bothered to say “I don’t” in front of the care, it’s just “CARE!”  She’ll say this to your face, to your back, to your friends, to your dog.  She will straight up “bye Felicia” you and walk away and really truly never look back.  When it comes to men, she’ll wave down a handsome stranger at a bar and invite him to sit with her and THEY ALL DO!  She’ll never utter a word to a man yet pass him a note across the bar then wave and join her friends.  Sooner or later, he’ll always make his way to her table.  Because ladies she is a real honey badger!!  She doesn’t give a shit.  And she never has. **

Is it confidence, bravery, something other-worldly?  I don’t know because I don’t have it.  I don’t have an ounce of it.  I’m the girl who sees a cute guy and trips.  Ask Channing Tatum if you ever run into him.  I’m the girl who knocks off the glass of ice water or runs into the trash can.  I’m the girl who will take a sip of my wine very cool like and spill it down the front of my white dress.  I’m the girl who will make jokes at my own expense because there are plenty to be made.  I’m a walking sitcom.  I care too much about what someone else will think, or how I’ll be perceived, or rather or not someone is going to like me.  When the truth is, if they don’t like you, well, CARE!!  There are many others who will and probably more who won’t.  It’s the crap shoot of life.

However, the older I get the more and more pages I take from my sisters book of “how not to..”  Frankly, life is too short to care that much.  I attribute it to being a very sensitive artist.  Or just sensitive perhaps (I like blaming a LOT on being an artist if you haven’t noticed).  If you look at me wrong I’ll wonder for days what I did to piss you off.  My sister will slap you and take a nap.  If you don’t call me, I’ll again wonder for days what I said or did.  My sister will just delete your number from her phone and make a sandwich.  She will stop taking your calls and texts.  I, on the other hand, am learning the fine art of being silent and caring less (truth be told, I’ll respond to all your calls and texts, I’m a glutton for punishment).  Or… perhaps just valuing myself more and that is simply what I think it comes down to.

My sister has dealt with so much in her life that she gets it.  How much we value ourselves, our time, and our hearts is in direct relation to what we accept and expect of others.  This value theme is something I’ve been discussing a lot with my therapist lately.  Taking care of my heart has never been my priority until now and while I am working on it I keep thinking of the original honey badger, my sister.  My LITTLE sister.  It’s a process but I feel like I’m finally finally taking the right steps to care less because my time matters and my feelings matter and in the grand scheme of life neither can be or should be taken for granted.  So I write.  I distract myself with the things and people I do love and who love me.  And I keep working on “playing it cool.”  And then I say something really dumb but ya know, growing spurts!




**Although my sister is the poster child for all things honey badgers, she is without a doubt the most generous, loving person you’ll ever meet.  And if you get a chance to be her friend, she’ll be your friend for life.  Until you’re dumb then she ain’t got no time for that.

Relationship PTSD

Here’s a short list of things that give me PTSD from my previous relationship:

  1. Baseball hats specifically fan hats.  Sorry every man in america.
  2. Polo shirts.  Sorry 80% of men in america. 
  3. Burnt orange.  Sorry Austin, Texas.
  4. Golf.
  5. Soccer.
  6. Germans.  Sorry 25% of Texas.
  7. Crate & Barrel.  Please none of my friends soon to be married register there. 
  8. Fake plants.
  9. Multi-purpose greeting cards.
  10. Groupons….for dates.



44 Hail Mary’s…

When your friend goes to confession and is told to pray 44 Hail Mary’s you know that a) she sins a LOT and b) she’s probably having a lot of fun!  I even mused “Was your last confession just a confession that you’re gonna do it all over again this weekend?”  Yes, obviously!

But sex is a huge hot button issue especially for Catholics: sex with your non-wedded partner, same-sex sex, sex with your friend, sex with your co-worker, sex with a friend’s husband, sex with yourself, sex with your table (there are a LOT of very weird fetishes out there friends), sex while ovulating, sex while not ovulating, safe sex, rough sex, paid for sex, oral sex, sexy sex, the sex list goes on and on.  And we’ve been doing it long before anyone ever told us it was sinful, or regretful.  Sex has been happening since before humans were even humans.  We just made it into a thing.  

Last summer while I was traveling through Italy, I took a tour of the ancient city of Pompeii.  Built around 300BC, this very “high-tech” city boasted indoor plumbing, running water, heated flooring, a local wine shop, bakery, housing, court of law, two-story homes and a plethora of brothels. Long story short, Mount Vesuvius erupts covering the town of 20,000 people under 20 feet of volcanic ash.  For 1500 years Pompeii remained a hidden gem.  It was initially discovered in 1599, however excavation didn’t begin until 1748.  In truth, it’s still being excavated even as we speak.

Before I get ahead of myself regarding how amazing, brilliant, wise, resourceful, creative the Romans were, let’s get back to sex.  The brothels specifically.  Each brothel is marked with a giant penis above the door because truthfully, let’s call a spade a spade.  No shame.  No one knew they were suppose to be ashamed of sex 2000 years ago (ok, it’s possible they did know but the Romans we just a bunch of honeybadgers).  Inside a menu of sorts was painted onto the walls so men could essentially order whatever sex they liked.  And people, sex is sex is sex.  It’s been, basically, the same-sex since the beginning.  Each room was outfitted with a big enough bed and that was just about it.  The rooms in this brothel were roughly the same size as all the windows/rooms currently in the red light district.  Not much has changed.  Except our ideas of it.

Let me tell you this regarding sex, I never in a million years thought my mother would be comfortable mailing me her copy of 50 Shades of Grey (I immediately read and frantically ran all over NYC looking for the next two books within 5 days) but she reasoned that because I was in a relationship, I might want to…ya know.  I can’t even you guys!

And here’s something we all know and as women deal with on a daily basis: men, for whatever-the-f*ck reason are allowed to be promiscuous without incident and in fact, it’s often encouraged.  Women on the other hand… I don’t even need to say it.   Evolutionarily speaking, women have much much much higher stakes in choosing a sex partner because GOD FORBID (or God willing depending which side of the aisle you’re on) you get pregnant.  Regardless of rather or not you’re married, we need to determine things like a) is this guy gonna show up at 3am? b) will he help with bottles, diapers, love? c) will he hopefully not judge my ever-expanding body?  d) is he going to murder me one day? or e) is he going to be an absent father who just watches tv all day?  But the catch!  There’s always a catch.  We’ve, as females/ladies/independent women, have evolved into a world where we don’t always want to have kids but sex… I mean, sex!  Why can’t we just have sex and then decide, as adults, when we want to procreate?  We have plenty of birth control options available to us but the stigma of “slut” still remains.  Science gets it!!  Why can’t society realize that our desire to be loved, or be touched, or be held doesn’t always have to end in a 8 pound watermelon flying out of our vaginas 9 months later.  Let’s just all calm down a minute., okay??

The flip side of all of that, according to the fascinating documentary The Science of Sex Appeal, is that no matter WHAT, our evolutionary desire to have children, rather you know it or not, is always one step ahead of you.  When you’re ovulating your voice becomes sexier, you walk sexier, you actually smell, look and taste different, and girl, on top of all that YOU KNOW IT!  Notice when you get catcalled the most or when you most desire to roll in ze hey, it’s all natures big trick to knock you up.  At 35 I started tracking like a demon my ovulation chart and sure enough, science!